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[612 kcal] Two Sourdough Bagel Sandwiches with Sunny Side Up and Smoked Salmon

Updated: Nov 25, 2023

Grains and seeds sourdough bagel sandwiches with lettuce, sunny side-up, smoked salmon, sprinkled with a dash of salt and pepper.

Nutrition Facts


612 kcal

Total Fat

16.8 grams


722.0 grams

Total Carbohydrate

79.7 grams

- Dietary Fiber

9.4 grams


31.7 grams

Ingredients and Price List


Amount Used

Unit Cost (SGD)

Cost Per Use (SGD)

(Baker & Cook Brand) 7 Grains & Seeds Sourdough Bagel

2 bagels

$7.80 (for 4 bagels)



~1 cup


2 eggs



​$8.02 (for 75g)



​To toast buns and cook eggs



​To taste




​To taste






Grains and seeds sourdough bagel sandwiches with lettuce, sunny side-up, smoked salmon, sprinkled with a dash of salt and pepper.

I've been craving Two Men Bagel House bagels lately, but sadly, there isn't a bagel shop near where I stay. So, what's the next best solution? Make bagel sandwiches at home! I also made an Instagram Reel on my food blogger account @caloriecountsnet with these mouth-watering bagels.🤤

Sorry to get your hopes up, but this isn't a post about making sourdough from scratch, haha. Someday, I'd like to learn how to bake sourdough bread on my own, but not today.

Instead, I found out that Fairprice Finest offers a range of bakery goods, and decided to buy Baker & Cook 7 Grains & Seeds Sourdough Bagels! They also have plain sourdough bagels, but I chose these because they are more nutritious, containing "oat and rye flakes, sunflower seeds, linseed, millet, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and kibbled soy".

Grains and seeds sourdough bagel sandwiches with lettuce, sunny side-up, smoked salmon, sprinkled with a dash of salt and pepper.

I decided to make two bagel sandwishes becaues I was quite hungry, but sourdough bagels can be quite filling. Plus, I paired them with a cup of coffee, so in hindsight, I probably should have only made one 😅 But it's alright; it was a hearty lunch!

After cutting the bagels in half, I toasted them in a pan. Then, I washed some lettuce and spread it on each bagel before cooking the eggs - scrambled eggs on one bagel, sunny side-up on the other bagel. Lastly, I added a few hand-torn pieces of smoked salmon to enhance the flavour. To be honest, I was multitasking and didn't really pay attention to my scrambled eggs, so they ended up being a little overcooked and more of an omelette. But still, no big deal! That's the best part about preparing your own meal when you have low expectations - as long as it's edible, it's no big deal. 😂

Grains and seeds sourdough bagel sandwiches with lettuce, sunny side-up, smoked salmon, sprinkled with a dash of salt and pepper.

I'm not sure if you can see clearly in the picture, but I bought a new glass from Lazada! It is a short heat-resistant glass that can hold about 300ml of liquid (7.5cm in diameter x 8cm in height). It looks simple but classy with grooves on the interior. The best part is that I bought it with a $4 discount for new users for the shop, so I basically only paid for the shipping fees.

Alright, that's it for this blog post. Until next time!🥯

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