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[380 kcal] Overnight Chocolate Oats Topped with Banana and Strawberry Slices

Overnight Chocolate Oats Topped with Banana and Strawberry Slices Served with a Glass of Iced Latte

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Nutrition Facts


380 kcal

Total Fat

6 grams


76 grams

Total Carbohydrate

70 grams

- Dietary Fiber

7 grams


12 grams

Ingredients and Price List


Amount Used

Unit Cost (SGD)

Cost Per Use (SGD)

Instant Oatmeal



Chocolate Milk





1 banana



3 strawberries



Honey (optional)

A drizzle; for topping






Overnight Chocolate Oats Topped with Banana and Strawberry Slices Served with a Glass of Iced Latte

Overnight Chocolate Oats Topped with Banana and Strawberry Slices Served with a Glass of Iced Latte.

I've got a quick, easy, and healthy breakfast option for you: overnight oats topped with fresh fruit slices.

Oats are a nutrient-rich food that provides numerous health benefits, including weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and a reduced risk of heart disease. They're gluten-free and an excellent source of antioxidants, dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Overnight Chocolate Oats Topped with Banana and Strawberry Slices Served with a Glass of Iced Latte

Overnight oats have become a beloved breakfast sensation, and for good reason! This convenient and nutritious breakfast idea offers numerous benefits. By soaking the oats in milk (and/or yogurt) overnight, the grains become tender and creamy, making them easier to digest. This process also helps to increase the bioavailability of the oats' nutrients, including fiber, protein, and healthy fats. As a result, overnight oats provide sustained energy and satisfaction throughout the morning.

Moreover, this breakfast is incredibly versatile, allowing for endless flavor combinations and toppings to suit individual tastes. Did you know that oatmeal doesn't always have to be served cold and bland? I've seen savoury versions of oatmeal cooked with miso, mushroom, and chicken, that look delicious! Maybe I'll try making that someday.

Overnight Chocolate Oats Topped with Banana and Strawberry Slices Served with a Glass of Iced Latte


  1. Pour the instant oats/rolled oats into a jar (I'm using 1 sachet of Captain Oats Instant Oatmeal).

  2. Add about 150ml of chocolate milk into the jar and mix well.

  3. Refrigerate overnight (or for at least 2 hours).

  4. Top with sliced banana and strawberries the next morning.

  5. Enjoy with a cup of iced latte!

Note: The nutrition facts (380kcal, etc.) mentioned above are only for the overnight chocolate oats with sliced banana and strawberry. For calorie content and other information about the iced latte, please refer to my post on "Home-Made Latte with Coffee Concentrate".

Thanks for reading! I like documenting the calories and costs of what I eat to stay aware of my nutrition and financial consumption. If you enjoy my content, please follow me on Instagram @caloriecountsnet for updates on my latest posts! I appreciate your engagement.


Overnight Chocolate Oatmeal Ingredients & Kitchenware Recommendations

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