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[540 kcal] Healthy 5-Ingredient Banana Pancakes (with Oats!)

Updated: Jun 4

Banana pancakes on a plate, topped with strawberry slices, toasted coconut flakes, Amazin Graze hazelnut blackforest granola, Sogurt natural flavoured frozen yoghurt, and a drizzle of honey.

[2024 Jun 02: Updated prices and links.]

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, where I may earn some commission if you purchase through them.

Nutrition Facts


540 kcal

Total Fat

16.9 grams


209.1 grams

Total Carbohydrate

82.3 grams

- Dietary Fiber

11 grams


18.3 grams

Ingredients and Price List



Amount Used

Unit Cost (SGD)

Cost Per Use (SGD)

Instant Oatmeal

40 grams (1 packet)


Cavendish Banana

1 piece


Baking Powder

1/4 teaspoon


Fresh Milk

10 ml



​Chicken Egg

2 eggs



Salt (Optional)

A pinch


Olive Oil

Enough to grease the pan in order to make it a non-sticky surface







Amount Used

Unit Cost (SGD)

Cost Per Use (SGD)

Toasted Coconut Flakes

2 grams


Sogurt Natural Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream

25 ml




5 pieces




1/2 tablespoon


Amazin Graze Hazelnut Blackforest Granola

5 grams





Banana pancakes on a plate, topped with strawberry slices, toasted coconut flakes, Amazin Graze hazelnut blackforest granola, Sogurt natural flavoured frozen yoghurt, and a drizzle of honey.

Who doesn't like food that tastes good, looks good, and is good for your health? Although I'd admit that you may require patience while flipping the pancakes, you shouldn't need more than 30 minutes to prepare this meal. Of course, it depends on the heat levels of your stove, the size of your pan, and the size of the pancakes you wish to make. Using the measurements above, I made 4 pancakes, each around 9cm in diameter.

Banana pancakes on a plate, topped with strawberry slices, toasted coconut flakes, Amazin Graze hazelnut blackforest granola, Sogurt natural flavoured frozen yoghurt, and a drizzle of honey.

This is probably not the first time you've come across a Banana Oat Pancakes recipe post. There are plenty of similar recipes out there - each with its own variation - for example, this recipe from Happily Unprocessed adds unsweetened almond milk, unbleached flour, baking soda and vanilla extract to their batter.

Oats are among the healthiest grains on earth - they’re gluten-free and a great source of antioxidants, dietary fibres, vitamins, and minerals. Oats and oatmeal have various health benefits - including weight loss, a reduced risk of heart disease, and lower blood sugar levels. TL;DR: Oats are good for you. And this is a reason why I added oats to banana pancakes.

To be honest, I still don't really understand the purpose of adding milk into pancake batter: this recipe says "to keep them light", this post says "milk adds both flavour and texture to pancake batter", while this article says "milk fat is necessary for tender, moist pancakes". Nevertheless, I added 10ml of Meiji Pasteurised Fresh Milk for experimental purposes. Conclusion: frankly, I think it can be omitted. Or maybe 10ml doesn't make much difference? Perhaps I should experiment with more milk? Hmm.

I recently received a bag of Sogurt as a gift, and I am pleased to discover this Singaporean halal-certified frozen yoghurt brand with adorable packaging designs! I confess I've never been much of a fan of frozen yoghurts before, because when I eat them, the texture reminds me of ice cream and I'd prefer my ice cream sweet and not sour. However, when I tried Sogurt Frozen Yoghurt (especially Dark Chocolate flavoured) I found myself craving more. Thanks for changing my mind about frozen yoghurts, Sogurt!

Not only is it delicious, one Minicup (120ml) contains a reasonable amount of calories ranging from 165kcal (Berry Swirl flavoured) to 211kcal (Natural/Original flavoured), considering the fact that they're desserts. When in doubt, just grab a Sogurt Dark Chocolate Frozen Yoghurt Ice Cream Minicup (176kcal) and experience what I meant by it changing my mind about frozen yoghurts. Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post; I genuinely would like to recommend it!

One quick tip about making your food look aesthetic or visually pleasing is to make it colourful, and the easiest way to do that is to add some vibrant-coloured fruits. Using strawberry slices as toppings really makes the colours pop in the picture - check out how the strawberries complement this Light and Fluffy Japanese Souffle Pancake! Are you worried that perhaps you can't finish a box of strawberries on your own? No worries, you can use them to make a tasty Strawberry Honey Salad or a delicious Strawberry Yogurt Toast!

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